WCWRA Leadership
A note from WCWRA Founder, Isabelle Moore
I know how hard it is to look out and see a sea of red in our beautiful state. You are not alone. I want to build a community of us and FOR us so we don’t have to feel this way.
I believe in us. I believe in the women and minorities of West Virginia. I believe in the entirety of our LGBTQIA+ community. I believe in you all. I also believe in the power of joy and the influence it can have on a community. Joy is an act of resistance. And I can’t wait to joyfully smash the patriarchy with every one of you.
We are the change and it starts right now so welcome to the Wood County Women’s Rights Alliance!
Please note: The WCWRA is in the process of obtaining its official nonprofit status. Once approved, the full board of directors, by-laws, and tax-related information will be shared here on our website.